How to Share Jesus and Be a Blessing When You’re at Home
We talk a lot in our family about how to be a blessing and how to share Jesus with others. We are living in a crazy time and most of us are not going out and about with our kids for the time being. We are creating schedules and bucket lists and even homeschooling our kids. But, what about sharing the gospel? Is that even possible to do with our kiddos from our homes?
This season has brought on some sadness and anxiety and a lot of reflection. My heart goes out to everyone affected--to those who are sick, to those who have lost their jobs, to those who are suffering financial hardships, to those who have had special plans canceled, and to those who are separated from loved ones. Though there's a lot of heaviness and pain, I am also filled with hope. We have been praying for a revival and for God to make Himself known and I know that is what He is going to do. So many people are asking questions and my biggest prayer is that their hearts would turn back to God! I have been talking about this with my kids.
Yesterday, at the kitchen table I asked them. "Can we still share Jesus' love with people even though we're not really going anywhere?" They came up with some pretty awesome ideas.
1. Bring Hope
Everyone is on edge right now! This is such a opportunity for us who follow Jesus to share His peace with others. Pray as a family about who might be really struggling and needing hope right now. Brainstorm ways to encourage that person. Your kids can pray with you about that person and you can send them encouraging texts, verses, or call them and provide a listening ear. Let them know that you and your kids are praying for him/her.
2. Make A Blessing Bag for a Neighbor
Grab a few extra essential items and fun groceries the next time you are at the store. Drop it off at a neighbor's door with a handwritten note from your family. This is especially important to do for elderly neighbors.
Today, we were on a little walk in the neighborhood and found out that one of our elderly neighbors didn't have any dinner plans. Normally we'd invite him over, but this time we just made him a plate and dropped it off at his house. (We stayed six feet away but had a great chat!)
3. Video Messages
This was one of my kid's ideas. Pray and ask God who might need encouragement. Make a video of the whole family praying for that person and sharing a loving message with them. Text or email it to that person.
4. Letters
Have your kids write out prayers for friends or family members and send them in the mail. People could really use a little extra love right now. It might the answer to prayer they are looking for. You can use these pocket prayers.
5. Invite them to Church
Does your church have an online service? Pray with your kids about who you can invite to church. Last Sunday, we sent out this text to a few neighbors and friends from the kids school:
Hey ______. Hope you all are doing well. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, we are here for you guys! Also, beginning this Sunday, our church is doing special ONLINE ONLY services with music, a message, and some COVID-19 updates. Tomorrow our senior pastor is sharing a message about how to respond to a crisis with faith over fear! I think it’s gonna be super encouraging. Just wanted to invite you all to watch from home at 8:30, 9:45, or 11:11am from your computer or mobile device!
Love you guys!
Here’s the link: ___________.
6. Pray as a Family
God is calling us to pray. The other morning I was feeling so anxious and it was rubbing off on my kids. I could sense that it was going to be a rough day so we stopped and prayed. My husband started telling my kids what was going on and explaining why we needed to stay at home. He told them, "By staying home, you are actually changing the world. You are doing your part to share Jesus’ love because you are stopping the spread of this virus and keeping others safe." This was really empowering for them and for me!
Then he shared with them how one important thing they can do at home is to pray for the world to know him. If we do nothing else during this time, let's pray. Let's look back at this time and remember that as a family, instead of worrying, we prayed about EVERYTHING.
Here is a fun print-out to get your kids thinking about how they can share the gospel even at home.
I would LOVE to hear your ideas. This is all new and we are navigating unchartered territories. Please share with us your ideas and ways that your family has found to share Jesus in a time where the world needs Him most.