How to Share Your Faith in a Pandemic
Sometimes it feels like evangelism is on hold. How do you talk about the gospel while staying six feet apart and wearing a mask? How do you invite people to church when many churches aren't meeting the same way they used to? How do you teach your kids to share their faith in a time like this?
The other day our sweet elderly neighbor had a fall and the ambulance had to come. Turns out he was just dehydrated, but our kids were frantic as they watched out the front window.
"Mom, we have to do something for him right now!" my oldest son demanded.
We decided to bake cookies and write cards. That night, my husband took my oldest daughter, Brinley, over to his house to deliver the cookies and cards. They came back about 15 minutes later and Brinley shared with me how their conversation went:
She told me that she felt like she wanted to tell him about Jesus, but felt nervous and thought to herself, "No, it's okay. Just tell him about Jesus later." But something else in her head said, "No, tell him now!"
She said she thought maybe it was the Holy Spirit speaking to her.
"Yes, that was the Holy Spirit!" I said emphatically.
"Mom, I knooooowwww," she said in her feisty way.
"I listened and I asked Him if he knew Jesus or not and he said he did!" she cried excitedly.
"So then I asked him if he knows that Jesus died for his sins and if he knows that Jesus loves him. He said yes and so I prayed for him right then!"
She was all smiles as she told me this and she felt so happy that our neighbor does indeed know Jesus and that she was able to talk with him about that.
My husband later told me that she had also said, "Oh good, that means when you die you'll be at Heaven!" Though I am desperately hoping our neighbor wasn't offended by her assumption of his imminent death, I am also just so proud of her for listening to God's prompting!
I actually think we are living in the best time ever to evangelize. We were all created for such a time as this. Prayer has been one of the top google searched words in the last few months. People want to know about prayer, church, God, life, and death. People are slowing down and they are asking big questions.
So, how do we invite people to church and how do we teach our kids to share their faith at a time like this?
Here are 7 ways to tell people about Jesus as a family during a pandemic.
#1 - Pray! This is the most important thing we can do. God is the only one able to win hearts, so let's take time in our families to partner with Him in prayer. You can use this Great Commission worksheet to pick people to pray for as a family each day.
#2 - Be the hands and feet of Jesus. Sit down as a family and ask each other, "who can we serve?" See if there are neighbors who might need food delivered, plants watered, trash cans taken in, or even just kind notes stuffed inside their mailbox.
Steph shared with me something really fun that her neighborhood did. Recently, she invited the girls on their street over to have a tea party. Another neighbor invited all the boys over to play soccer and then the families had dinner together. Plan something that works for you and your neighborhood.
Building relationships with neighbors helps to open up the door for more conversations about Jesus.
#3 - Reach out over text, phone, email, social media, etc. We just started something new in our house. When we are tucking our kids in at night, we ask them who they want to pray for. A few months back, my son told me he wanted to pray for a boy in his class from last year. He mentioned this same boy for a few nights in a row. I am friends with the mom, so I texted her to let her know that we have been praying for their family. Turns out, she was going through a really hard time and needed that encouragement. She is not a Christian, but the text opened up the door for her and I to talk about God and prayer. Isn't it so cool how God uses kids to share His love with grownups?
#4 - Invite friends and neighbors to church. If your church is meeting again or meeting outdoors, and you feel comfortable attending, reach out to your neighbors and friends. So many people don't attend church because they've just never really been invited. See who God puts on your heart and reach out today.
#5 - Invite friends, family, and neighbors to watch church online. The kids and I aren't back to church in person yet, so we've been tuning in online. We watch our main service and then we watch the kids service together. Make it easy for your friends. Send them a text with the link to watch your church online. Then, follow up with a text or phone call afterward to see what they thought and what questions they have.
Ask your kids who they think you should invite. We've been inviting and following up with my neighbors and with parents from school. It's easier now for them to say yes to "coming" to church (aka tuning in online) because no one has any plans!
Here's an invite text I sent recently to a neighbor:
Hey Diane! Hope you all are doing well. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask, we are here for you guys! Also, beginning this Sunday, our church is doing a special series on fear with music, a message, and some fun kid elements. Tomorrow our senior pastor is sharing a message about how to respond to a crisis with faith over fear! I think it’s gonna be super encouraging. Just wanted to invite you all to watch from home at 8:30, 9:45, or 11:11am from your computer or phone! Love you guys! Here’s the link:!
#6 - Start a Watch Party. Do you have family friends or neighbors who you've been quarantining with? If so, start a watch party together. You can invite them over and have the kids watch kids church and do the activities together.
#7 - Ask your kids. Kids are so creative and tender-hearted. Ask them how they think we should be a blessing and share our faith even during this crazy time. It's amazing to see what they come up with. You can even write your ideas down and put them in a jar like this one.
Don't forget, He is with you as you share about Him!
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” -Matthew 28:19-20