A Prayer for Compassion
This has been such an incredibly difficult season. We are all grieving in different ways and many of us have been leaning in, repenting, lamenting, and listening. Several parents have reached out to us to share their ideas about how to talk with their kids about racism and injustice. Some have asked, "How can I teach my kids to be compassionate and to fight for justice?"
We shared a prayer in our June newsletter that you can read with your kids. God put this prayer on Steph's heart and we both enjoyed saying this prayer together with our own kids, asking them to repeat it, line by line. But, of course, praying for compassion should not be a one time event! What if we committed to praying for compassion over and over again in our families?
We turned the prayer into a printable bookmark for you to keep in your current book or in your Bible. That way, you can pull it out and read it with your family over and over again. You can print it out on card stock. Be sure to print double-sided to get the scripture on the back!
This morning, I printed out the prayer bookmark and had it resting in my Bible. During my quiet time, little feet came shuffling down the hall earlier than I'd hoped. Can anyone else relate? I pulled out the bookmark and we read the prayer together. I sighed a deep sigh of relief knowing that Jesus is working in our hearts. He is our hope! And hope must be shared!