Helping Kids Choose JOY-November Resources
We are praying all month that our kids would choose JOY. We want them to know the fullness of joy that comes from following Jesus.
Today we want to share some of our favorite resources for growing joy!
Here are some JOY verses and a JOY prayer. Print these out and keep them in your pocket, on your mirrors, in your car, or pack them in kid’s lunches. Ask the Lord to increase your joy. He will answer you.
Join us as we praise God for 10,000 Reasons
I started this challenge in 2017 and I’m almost there. It’s brought me so much joy and helped me share joy with my family, especially in our darkest, hardest moments. Want to join us?
Let’s Find Joy
By Shaunti Feldhahn and Katie Kenny Phillips
This adorable book really helps kids learn how to find joy in the Lord.
Raising Prayerful Kids Book and Free Downloads
If you have our book, Raising Prayerful Kids, there are some exercises that are designed to help you and your child joyfully grow closer to Jesus as you grow closer together. Check out The Grateful Game (Chapter 3), Praise Party (Chapter 6), and Miracle Book (Chapter 9).
Have you played the BEACH BALL game yet? It’s a great way to increase your joy and connection with your kids and with God. All you need is a beach ball and a sharpie to play! This helps remind ourselves and our kids that we can talk to God all day long about every little thing!
Click the button below to download our FREE Thanksgiving Place Cards. These place cards each have a special place for your guest to write what they are thankful for. We hope that this can be a fun new tradition that you can start with your family!