Raising Prayerful Kids

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M&M Thankful Game

This is a game that works for little and big kids alike...and of course adults love it too! Who doesn't love a game involving chocolate? I play this with my Sunday School kids especially during the month of November when we focus on having an attitude of gratitude.

Today I played this with my family. I started by reading them Luke 17:11-19, the story of Jesus healing ten men with leprosy. In the story, Jesus miraculously heals all ten men, but only one man comes back to thank Jesus. He praises God with a loud voice and throws himself at Jesus’ feet. He comes to thank God boldly and with his whole heart!

We talked about how God blesses us with everything we have. He even gives us the breath in our lungs and yet so often we are like the other nine men and we forget to thank him.

Here’s a game where you can spend time together thanking God while eating chocolate!

How to Play:

• Print out this FREE printable.

• Give everyone a small handful of M&Ms.

• Read off the first color and prompt from the printable. Everyone with a red M&M must answer that question. If they have more than one red, they should answer the same question for each M&M. For example, if I have three red M&M's, I will share about three people I am thankful for and why.

• After sharing an answer, you may eat that M&M.

• Continue like this for each color.

•Play until all M&M's are eaten.